Experience the brilliance of a showroom finish every day with ceramic coatings


Ceramic coatings are designed to provide long-lasting protection for your car's paintwork.

They can resist scratches, swirls, and other types of damage that can occur from everyday use.

Maintaining a car's appearance is essential to keeping it in top condition and maximizing its resale value. One of the most effective ways to protect your car's paintwork is by applying a ceramic coating. Ceramic coatings provide a long-lasting and durable layer of protection for your car's exterior, helping to shield it from scratches, swirls, and environmental contaminants.

Not only do they provide protection, but they also enhance the appearance of your car by adding depth and gloss to the paintwork.

At Cardusio, we believe in doing things the right way. We provide state of the art ceramic protection for your vehicle. 

We remove all airborne contaminants that settle on the car during transportation, and then we machine polish the paintwork to remove scratches and imperfections. This process of correcting the paintwork brings it back to a high gloss shine. Once this is done we protect the glossy finish by using the latest ceramic coating technology to ensure the paintwork is protected. 

Reasons to have a ceramic coating applied

Long-lasting protection: Ceramic coatings are designed to provide long-lasting protection for your car's paintwork. They can resist scratches, swirls, and other types of damage that can occur from everyday use.

Reduced maintenance: Ceramic coatings make it easier to maintain your car's exterior by repelling dirt, grime, and other contaminants. This means you can spend less time cleaning your car and more time enjoying it.

Improved appearance: Ceramic coatings can enhance the appearance of your car by adding depth and gloss to the paintwork. This can make your car look like it just rolled off the showroom floor.

Protection from environmental damage: Ceramic coatings provide a barrier against environmental contaminants such as UV rays, acid rain, and bird droppings. This can prevent these contaminants from damaging your car's paintwork over time.

Increased resale value: A car that has been protected with a ceramic coating is likely to have a higher resale value than one that has not. This is because the coating helps to preserve the paintwork and keep the car looking new for longer.

Take a look at our most recent  ceramic coating projects

Ceramic Coating FAQ's

  • What is a ceramic coating, and how does it differ from traditional wax or sealant?

    A ceramic coating is a liquid polymer that chemically bonds with the car's paint to provide a long-lasting layer of protection. Unlike traditional wax or sealant, which sit on top of the paint, a ceramic coating creates a chemical bond that is more durable and resistant to environmental contaminants.

  • How long does a ceramic coating last?

    The longevity of a ceramic coating depends on several factors, including the quality of the product used, the environment in which the car is driven, and the level of maintenance provided. In general, most ceramic coatings last between 2-5 years.

  • Will a ceramic coating protect my car from scratches and dents?

    While a ceramic coating provides a layer of protection against scratches and other minor abrasions, it will not prevent dents or other more serious damage to the car's exterior.

  • Can I choose any colaCan a ceramic coating be applied to other surfaces besides paint?or for my calipers?

    Yes, ceramic coatings can be applied to a variety of surfaces, including wheels, glass, and plastic trim. However, it's important to use a product specifically formulated for each surface to ensure optimal results.

  • Can I apply a ceramic coating myself, or should I have it done by a professional?

    While it is possible to apply a ceramic coating yourself, it is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process that requires a high level of skill and attention to detail. For best results, it's recommended to have a professional detailer apply the coating to ensure that it is applied correctly and provides the maximum level of protection for your car's exterior.

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